2013年2月16日 星期六

♥【知識】♥ 什麼是Galvanic? What is "Galvanic"?

於1791年,義大利科學家Luigi Galvani最先將Galvanic微電流運用於健康醫療,故以其命名。時至今日,專業美容院採用溫和微電流作皮膚護理已逾五十多年。通過輕微電流的刺激,再配合緩緩的按摩動作,有助舒活細胞,加速皮膚的新陳代謝。
In 1791, the Italian scientist Luigi Galvanic, who is the first applied micro-current to health care. Today, professional beauty salon use micro-current in skin care more than 50 years. The use of micro-current stimulation with massage, helps activate cells, accelerate skin metabolism.



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